This story was originally published by Knowable Magazine.
From the earliest days of their evolution, guts and brains have been the best of friends.
‘We didn’t get here on our own,” said Brian Dieter, president and CEO of Baldrige Award-recipient Mary Greeley Medical Center (MGMC), speaking at the
Following any tech transfer project, the subsequent startup of the manufacturing line is almost always full of challenges.
In regulated industries, every step of the production process must be verified to some sort of guidance or standard. What this comes down to, practically speaking, is an enormous amount of time and effort spent on actions outside the sphere of production.
Inoculating the planet from Covid-19 presents an unprecedented logistical challenge like none we’ve seen before. Mobilizing for a world war may be the closest comparison, but in this case, the enemy is invisible and everywhere.
Designing, developing, and getting your medical device approved and onto the market is a huge accomplishment—but it isn’t the end of your responsibilities.
For many of us, our electronic device can be a communications lifeline, entertainment system, and professional networking hub. If trends continue, it may become our health advisor as well.
This story was originally published by MIT News.
This story was originally published by Knowable Magazine.
From the earliest days of their evolution, guts and brains have been the best of friends.
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