Quality impacts the overall cost of a product and should be part of value-pricing data
The game is far from over
Here’s a sample of some of the stories our readers found most interesting in 2019
There’s a risk if policy gets ahead of public sentiment
Now, small direct-to-customer businesses have access to high-end inventory tools
Distributing leadership, decentralizing decisions, and pursuing local talent
Producing safe food doesn’t just make sense. It’s the law.
We already have the tools, knowledge, and monetary incentive to address environmental issues
The wine industry shows how eco-friendly production can benefit both companies and consumers
Trade wars are not even the biggest problem
A context-aware approach to international purchasing may drive double-digit improvements in business performance
September is Food Safety Education Month—be in the know
A single version of the truth improves relationships
Businesses no longer have to rely on manual inspections or crude monitoring options to ensure cargo integrity
Bogus items can psychologically ‘infect’ the real items they’re copied from
German precision and powerful centrifugal force
System lets nonspecialists use machine-learning models to make predictions for medical research, sales, and more
The agency seeks to balance expedient exemptions against public transparency about medical devices
Here’s a look back at how it changed the world
Imagine taking a fully driverless car; you could leave whenever and pack whatever, without being frisked