Product News: Mahr Federal, Automated Probe for MMQ 200 Cylindricity SystemMMQ 200 is compact, fast, very easy to learn and operate.
Tue, 11/24/2009 - 14:17
(Mahr Federal: Providence, RI) -- Mahr Federal Inc. has introduced a new version of its popular MMQ 200 Formtester Cylindricity Machine with an automated T7W probing system. The T7W is a ±360° motorized bidirectional probe intended to reduce… Product News: New MarSurf M 300 Features Bluetooth Wireless Drive UnitMove freely while measuring and send data with ease.
Fri, 09/18/2009 - 15:38
(Mahr Federal: Providence, RI) -- Mahr Federal has introduced the next generation of portable surface finish measuring instruments with the new MarSurf M 300. The first surface finish instrument to offer cable-free Bluetooth connection between… Product News: New Software Allows Sophisticated Form MeasurementsMahr's EasyForm helps minimize scrap, save time, and reduce production costs.
Thu, 07/30/2009 - 16:48
(Mahr Federal Inc.: Providence, RI) -- As dimensional metrology systems increase in accuracy and sophistication, they are more capable than ever of helping to improve quality and cut costs in production environments. Once there, however, they must…