Content by ISO

Thu, 03/02/2023 - 12:03
The world of work connects employers, workers, governments, and regulators, but it has fundamentally changed since 2019. The upheaval caused by the pandemic, energy crisis, war, and the green transition have exposed and exacerbated fractures in the… Cyberattacks Are Costly, Disruptive, and a Growing ThreatHow ISO/IEC 27001 can help protect your assets
Tue, 11/15/2022 - 12:00
(ISO: Geneva, Switzerland) -- To address global cybersecurity challenges and improve digital trust, ISO has published a new and improved version of ISO/IEC 27001. The world’s best-known standard on information security management helps organizations…
Thu, 07/28/2022 - 12:03
Standards are not for just the minority of businesses with thousands of employees. According to the World Bank, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) make up more than 90 percent of all companies and account for up to 70 percent of… Rethinking the Future of PlasticsStandards for plastics enjoy a privileged status
Wed, 04/20/2022 - 11:59
(ISO: Geneva)--On March 2, 2022, at the United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya, senior representatives from 175 countries backed a groundbreaking resolution to stop plastic pollution. This will result in a legally binding,…
Wed, 04/13/2022 - 12:01
After lengthy wrangling, the 2021 COP26 climate summit ended with 197 parties agreeing to the new Glasgow Climate Pact. It will get countries to strengthen their CO2 emissions-cutting targets for 2030 by the end of next year, and formally recognize…
Wed, 08/11/2021 - 12:02
There’s more than one path to service management. It refers to all the activities, policies, and processes that organizations use for deploying, managing, and improving IT service provision. In today’s technology-driven corporate landscape, the two… Key Risk Management Standard UpdatedDesign, develop, implement, continually improve risk management in systems and software engineering
Thu, 02/04/2021 - 12:58
(ISO: Geneva) -- ISO/IEC/IEEE 16085—“Systems and software engineering—Life cycle processes—Risk management” provides a universally applicable standard for practitioners responsible for managing risks associated with systems and software during their… Risk Management in Systems and Software EngineeringISO/IEC/IEEE 16085 has just been updated
Thu, 02/04/2021 - 12:53
(ISO: Geneva) -- ISO/IEC/IEEE 16085—“Systems and software engineering—Life cycle processes—Risk management” provides a universally applicable standard for practitioners responsible for managing risks associated with systems and software during their… Committee Responsible for ISO 9001:2015 Announces ISO 9001 User Survey 2020Is the standard adequate, or should it be improved? Deadline: Dec. 31, 2020
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 12:00
(ISO: Geneva) -- The committee responsible for the development of the international standard, ISO 9001:2015—"Quality management systems—Requirements," has announced a user survey to gather information on the value of ISO 9001:2015.
According to a…
Wed, 12/04/2019 - 12:01
As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly ubiquitous in various industry sectors, establishing a common terminology for AI and examining its various applications is more important than ever. In the international standardization arena,…