Content by jeffdewar

Thu, 03/15/2018 - 12:03
On Feb. 25, 2018, an asteroid 30 ft in diameter flew past the Earth, closer than the moon is to us. The newly discovered asteroid, named “2018 DU,” is the 17th known asteroid to fly past Earth within one lunar distance (the distance between the…
Thu, 03/01/2018 - 12:03
Just as the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award program was defunded by the federal government during the Obama Administration, President Trump and Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), are now contemplating the…
Thu, 10/19/2017 - 12:03
This photo shows the Milky Way (from the Latin via lactea), part of our galaxy as seen from Earth. It’s a barred spiral galaxy, essentially a flat disk of at least 100 billion stars. Our galaxy is just one of about 400 billion in the universe, only… Darwin Is WatchingHow quality management systems conform to the laws of evolution
Wed, 03/25/2015 - 11:28
One could argue that quality programs today share a common skeleton, with prototypes stretching back to the medieval guilds of 13th century Europe. The ISO 9001 quality management system (QMS), the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, the… A Galactic Lesson in QualityIf space can be curved, then behaviors can be bent
Tue, 03/03/2015 - 13:03
Every spot in the photo below is a galaxy, not a star. Each of them contains perhaps 100 billion stars, and along with them, probably hundreds of billions of planets.
The center area is a supercluster of galaxies, colorfully labeled CL 0024 + 1654… Five Moments in Quality That Changed My LifeThey would have changed your life, too
Mon, 01/12/2015 - 13:32
Evolutionary biologist Stephen J. Gould is best known for his history of punctuated equilibrium, a revision to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Punctuated equilibrium holds that new species evolve suddenly over brief periods of time, followed… How to Manage Connected Cycles of ServiceThere are moments of truth within moments of truth
Tue, 10/01/2013 - 11:57
“We have 50,000 moments of truth every day.” —Jan Carlzon, CEO, Scandinavian Airways (SAS), 1989
I am watching icebergs float by as we navigate Alaska’s Tracy Arm Fjord, at the end of which lies the spectacular Sawyer Glacier. The wonders outside,… How to Plan a Delightful User ConferenceEnchanting users with a quality experience
Mon, 07/08/2013 - 12:38
Not all user conferences are created equal. I’ve been to so many I’ve lost count. Some are simply boring with over-filtered information, and others are pure marketing events. Then there are a few that enchant, delight, and add true value for… Teaching Managers to EmpowerIt begins with the belief that those who support you often contribute more to quality than you
Wed, 05/01/2013 - 15:40
The Baldrige Performance Excellence Program includes employee empowerment as an integral part of its criteria. The word “empower,” or one of its derivatives, appears seven times in the criteria in reference to workforce development, yet it remains… Let Customers ‘Pull’ Service on DemandInstead of ‘pushing’ it to them at your convenience
Tue, 03/05/2013 - 10:01
“Check on your customers every 10 minutes or so,” instructs the typical restaurant manager. And Deming turns in his grave again because the manager’s objective is arbirtrary. It’s not based on the capabilities of a process or the needs of the…