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David Lawson
Story update 6/18/2014: In an earlier version of this article the editors changed ISO/DIS 9001:2014 to ISO/DIS 9001:2015. The error was ours, not the author's. The correct name of the document is ISO/DIS 9001:2014, as now shown.
The publication of the draft international standard (DIS) of the…
Margaret A. Hamburg
The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), attended every year by leading government health officials from its 194 member nations. Recently, I was pleased to participate as a member of the U.S. delegation in the 67th meeting of this important…
The W. Edwards Deming Institute
Join David P. Langford for a two-day interactive session and discover the true potential and future of education in our country. Shatter existing beliefs with this proven approach to improving the quality of learning and leading the next generation of students in flexible learning environments…
MIT Management Executive Education
Our first and second articles in this series have focused primarily on Bob Pozen’s tips for improving your productivity as an individual. Below, we suggest approaches to improving productivity within an organization through the proactive management of relationships at work.
Managing your team
Russell Harley
The following may seem difficult to believe, but it can be true. Among the definitions of the word “efficient,” we find the following: “achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.” Although this is great for busy executives and companies, it is terrible for projects,…
Dan Nelson
Editor's note: This is part one of a serios about customer-centric quality management systems. Read part two here.
A document review is supposed to be conducted as part of stage one of the ISO certification process. For the uninitiated looking into certification—maybe you—that statement often…
Eston Martz
Remember The Little Engine That Could, the children’s story about self-confidence in the face of huge challenges? In it, a train engine keeps telling itself, “I think I can” while carrying a very heavy load up a big mountain. Next thing you know, the little engine has done it, but until that…
Mike Roberts
As a research company, LNS Research is in the perfect position to see what is really going on behind the scenes in the manufacturing industry. On one side of the coin, we’re interviewing and surveying quality and manufacturing executives to understand their foremost challenges; on the other side,…
Lean Math With Mark Hamel
Value stream analysis is an effective way to identify improvement opportunities within a product or service family's value stream, envision a leaner future state, and develop an actionable value stream improvement plan to achieve the future state. It's bread-and-butter stuff for the lean…
Annette Franz
That’s probably a silly question, but I don’t feel silly reminding anyone of the answer.
Last month, I took a different angle to this question and asked, “What’s the Cost of Listening to Customers?” In that column, I mentioned that if we don’t understand who our customers are, what jobs they are…
Matthew Littlefield
You know that old saying “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it”? Unfortunately, that is the thought process many executives adopt around quality management. It is not necessarily that their quality management systems are broken, per se, but the challenge of having disconnected quality systems and data…
Ryan E. Day
It was just an email invitation to a public relations event in the Mission District of San Francisco, but it started a long string of adjectives like: brief, cryptic, amusing, exciting, breathtaking, scary, and… well, stinky.
All those adjectives collided last week to provide an almost surreal…
Harry Hertz
Last month the quadrennial U.S. National Climate Assessment was issued. Although the report is 840 pages long, the conclusion is clear. It is stated in the very first sentence: “Climate change, once considered an issue for a distant future, has moved firmly into the present.”
Although climate…
Davis Balestracci
Do you still insist on asking, “Which chart do I use for which situation?”
I’ve seen many flowcharts in books to help you answer this question. They’re all some variation of this:
I find them far too confusing for the average user and have never taught this in my work. Besides, you get no credit…
Janet Woodcock
In recent years, there have been important advances to ensure that therapies for serious conditions are approved and available to patients as soon as sufficient data can show that the therapies’ benefits outweigh their risks. Despite the progress, there is much more work to be done. Many…
(Wiley: Hoboken, NJ) -- Leaders are no strangers to challenges; in recent years, businesses have experienced unprecedented layoffs, dismal sales, dwindling retirement accounts, and the bankruptcy of once-heralded institutions. While these uncertain times are difficult, they also provide the…
Dave K. Banerjea
In most industries, maintenance and calibration management departments are separate operations that rarely, if ever cross paths. However, in some industries, such as pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing, maintenance and calibrations are often performed on the same assets. As a result,…
Stacey Jarrett Wagner
In college I learned about chaos theory, sometimes called the butterfly effect, in which small differences in an initial condition result in divergent outcomes in dynamic systems. In layman’s terms, my fellow students and I were fond of saying that when a butterfly flutters its wings over your…
The manufacturing industry is poised for growth in 2014. Still, the second annual BDO USA LLP analysis of risk factors listed in the most recent 10-K filings of the largest 100 publicly traded U.S. manufacturers found that they will contend with a number of challenges as they work to capitalize on…
MIT Management Executive Education
We’ve all been there—staring down the week’s to-do list with the best of intentions, only to find, at the end of the week, that we didn’t accomplish everything that was required of us. Our tasks get carried over into the following week, and before we know it, we’re caught in the paradox of being…
Donald J. Wheeler
One thing burned into the brains of those who survive a statistics class is that you have to specify an alpha-level before you do anything statistical. And when it comes to statistical inference, they are correct. But just what does the alpha-level represent? What does it mean in practice? Read on…
Robert Fangmeyer
What does healthcare in the United States need? Well, according to a report released May 29, 2014, by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), U.S. healthcare organizations need “systems engineering.”
In their letter to President Obama, PCAST co-chairs John Holdren…
Jens R. Woinowski
I recently stumbled upon the book by S.J. Scott, Habit Stacking: 97 Small Life Changes That Take Five Minutes or Less (Archangel Ink, 2014). The concept is very simple, but powerful. Instead of a classical review, this is an “in a nutshell” version.
The idea of habit stacking is this: 1. You can…
Jack Dunigan
R ecently I shared five reasons why hope is not an effective strategy, but hope is, nonetheless, an essential attitude. What do you think influences that attitude? Let’s take a look.
There’s a difference between hope and hope so. The former is certain, expectant, optimistic. The latter is…
Mike Richman
The foundations of the quality industry go back decades, centuries, even millennia. In that course of time, men and women of various backgrounds and nationalities contributed wisdom distilled from their hard-earned experiences to help develop the tools and techniques that help good organizations…