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(Pilgrim: Tampa, FL) -- Pilgrim Quality Solutions, a global provider of enterprise quality management software and services for life sciences, has introduced SmartSolve Mobile Audit, a mobile application created specifically to improve auditor productivity, particularly when conducting audits at…
(Juran Global: Southington, CT) -- Juran Global, a leading business excellence and quality management consulting firm, has launched a simple and powerful mobile app, Quality Essentials, for professionals tasked with improving business performance and achieving operational excellence. The app…
(5ME: Cincinnati, OH) -- 5ME’s new dashboards feature allows users to create a one-screen view of machine tool performance data pertinent to their job functions. The program builds on the data-capturing capability of the company’s Freedom eLOG software suite and combines multiple graphics, called…
Six Sigma Demystified, Second Edition, by Paul Keller (McGraw-Hill, 2011)
Have you considered implementing Six Sigma in your organization? You may have searched the internet for books about Six Sigma, signed in so you could “look inside,” but that’s as far as you went. All those formulas…