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(SEEBURGER Inc.: Bretten, Germany) -- SEEBURGER Inc. has announced SEEBURGER eKanban Asset Management, an end-to-end electronic kanban solution that enables fully automated replenishment of parts inventory based on consumption as well as enterprise resource planning (ERP) production planning…
(The QC Group: Minneapolis) -- The QC Group, a provider of quality-related inspection, reverse engineering, training, and staffing services for engineering projects, has announced that its QC staffing service is now available in eight states, and its 70-plus different training programs are offered…
(InfinityQS: Chantilly, VA) -- InfinityQS has upgraded the IT infrastructure that supports eSPC, the leading software as a service (SaaS) manufacturing quality control system. The upgrade provides superior redundancy, security, performance, and scalability to companies using eSPC to provide…
Cummins is celebrating 10 years of Six Sigma and $3 billion in annualized savings by recognizing the best work from among the nearly 4,000 projects completed worldwide in 2009.
The top health and safety, and customer-focused Six Sigma projects will be displayed May 11 in an expo on the ground…
(IQPC: London) -- The Lean Leaders Meeting is the first forum to go past the tools and techniques to discuss how lean leaders can truly enable and embed lean within their global business operations and culture, driving the critical transformations learned and needed for 2010 into 2011. Join your…
William G. Hunter
(ASQ: Milwaukee) -- The Amercian Society for Quality (ASQ) Statistics Division is pleased to announce that nominations are now open for its William G. Hunter Award for 2010.
William G. Hunter was the first chairman of the Statistics Division of…
(CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL) — William Wessels wrote the new book, Practical Reliability Engineering and Analysis for System Design and Life-Cycle Sustainment (CRC Press, 2010), for practicing engineers and introduces the interference theory to applications for design-for-reliability.
(Pacifica Endeavors LLC: San Diego) -- Pacifica Endeavors LLC has launched an online directory to simplify the process of finding an ISO standard, Six Sigma, lean manufacturing, CMMI, or Malcolm Baldrige quality consultant in the United States or Canada. Related software can also be readily…
Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies (FM&T) LLC is a management and operations contractor with the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) at its Kansas City, Missouri, plant, and several locations on or around Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. The facilities under…
( Columbus, OH) --, a global provider of online lean Six Sigma training and blended learning support technologies, has partnered with the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University (OSU) to present an innovative and affordable Master Black Belt (MBB)…
(Utah State University: Logan, UT) -- See and experience firsthand what is at the heart of the lean business model in Japan through a series of plant tours, workshops, and networking with peers, Sept. 10–18. This will truly be a life- and career-changing trip. Implement just 10 percent of…
(Numerical Algorithms Group: Oxford, UK) -- Quality engineers seeking better use of the processing power of multicore computer systems, in addition to an easy way to migrate existing applications to multiprocessor architectures, can now download the new NAG Library for symmetric multiprocessor…
(CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL) -- Covering health care from clinical to nutritional services, Applying Lean in Healthcare: A Collection of International Case Studies (CRC Press, 2010), published April 15, introduces key concepts of lean health care and presents real-life examples to illustrate the…
(Pilgrim Software Inc.: Tampa, FL) -- Pilgrim Software Inc., a provider of enterprise risk, compliance, and quality management software solutions, has partnered with The Winvale Group, a provider of information technology solutions to the United States’ public sector. In conjunction with The…
(emergn: New York and London) -- emergn, a global professional services and business agility firm, has announced that the company is launching its lean and agile training series, emergnEducation, in North America. After strong success in Europe, emergnEducation will offer a rich curriculum based…
(HSM Americas Inc.: New York) -- The world’s greatest thought leaders in the field convene at the World Innovation Forum, June 8–9, at the Nokia Theatre in New York City, to provide actionable insights into the central issues at the heart of innovation today—marketing, Web 2.0, health care, social…
(Accelper Consulting: Schaumburg, IL) -- Accelper Consulting presented one of the world’s largest Six Sigma Green Belt (SSGB) certification and training events at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) School of Applied Technology in Wheaton, Illinois, during March 26–27.
What began with…
( Sarasota, FL) -- Former Stanford Tennis USPTA Pro, author, and Six Sigma Champion Steven Falk wrote Six Sigma Tennis (World Sports Media Group, 2010) upon returning to Stanford Tennis after recovering from a traumatic brain injury. The goal of the book is to share his successful…
(PCS Press, Vancover, WA) -- Fundamental Principles of Lean Manufacturing (PCS Press and Enna Products Corp., 2009) is the latest discovered and newly translated book by Shigeo Shingo. Shingo provides total access to the fundamentals of improving any process. He directs the reader toward the path…
(QI Macros: Denver) -- KnowWare International Inc., developers of the QI Macros Lean Six Sigma SPC Software for Excel, will showcase the product at the Quality Expo South Tradeshow in Charlotte, North Carolina, April 28–29.
Statistical process control (SPC) software is a key ingredient in…
(Northwest Analytical Inc.: Portland, OR) -- Northwest Analytical Inc. (NWA) introduces the next generation of quality analytics with NWA Quality Analyst v. 6.2 software. This version update provides improved performance, new tools for breaking down data, and two new companion modules—multivariate…
(IASSC: Los Angeles) -- The International Association for Six Sigma Certification (IASSC), recently announced the opening of an additional 200 testing centers around the world.
The IASSC facilitates and administers testing to lean Six Sigma certification standards for the lean Six Sigma…
( Columbus, OH) -- The International Six Sigma Institute and Secret Society for Imperious Professionals of Process Improvement (ISSISSIPPI) has announced a breakthrough in the controversy surrounding lean Six Sigma certification standards.
The ISSISSIPPI now will guarantee…
(Shingo Prize: Logan, UT) -- Learn from the best as Shingo Prize Award-winning companies from all over the world come together in Salt Lake City, to share best practices, lessons learned, and how the Shingo Model and guiding principles are helping them meet each challenge with continuous…
(ASQ: Milwaukee) -- The American Society for Quality (ASQ) is now offering quality professionals lean certification, as part of the Society’s 17 certification programs. ASQ is the newest sponsor of the lean certification program along with the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), the…