Without manufacturing, the room where you make dinner would be rather stark and barren. There’d be no pots, no pans, no stoves, no spatulas, no appliances—big or small. There’d be no way to prepare the meals that give you and your family sustenance. With no counter, there wouldn’t even be a place to set down your coffee cup!
Manufacturing is ubiquitous.
Although this post will not be as lyrical (or as humorous) as the famous song, “All Around the Kitchen” by Pete Seeger, I thought it would be fun to share my recent observations based on a kitchen makeover we had done. For those who know me well, I am cheap, so I braced myself for the anticipated expense. I am still recovering from the expenditure, but it was fun to watch it come together.
I thought it might be an interesting experiment to see how much of the kitchen makeover could be sourced in the United States. It’s not only a kitchen, but a testament to why manufacturing matters, and to the fact that you can indeed find things made right here. The process took some time.
I should say at the outset that the U.S.-based companies mentioned below are the ones with the products that best met my kitchen needs, but your needs may be very different. This isn’t an endorsement of these companies, just an endorsement of the idea that finding U.S. companies to meet your needs, kitchen remodel or otherwise, may be easier than you think.
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