In part one we saw that China has made great strides in terms of product quality, notably in the tech sector. But it still has a long way to go in other products. Driven by the growing middle class, who like all middle class buyers want value for their money, and by the Chinese government’s desire to improve the tarnished “made in China” brand, there is a strong interest in improving product quality.
According to Xinhua, the official press agency of the Chinese government, “With an insufficient supply of high-end products and services, great efforts will be required to improve quality, according to the plan released by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council. The focus of the plan is on improving the quality of services and products, especially farm produce, food, medicine, consumer goods, and equipment.”
Solid article Dirk - China's quality is truly up and coming
Hi Dirk, thanks for sharing. Our staff are really enjoying the articles on here at Quality Digest as they are rlevent, insightful and useful. Yes, I agree, China's overall quality across the board has made leaps and bounds. The old stigma is fading. I can say that Chinese manufacturers have really taken up ISO standards in the last 10 years and this may be a contributing factor in this change. We work with a number of Chinese firms from here in Adelaide, South Austraila and outr sister company provides certification over there for a range of IMS. I thnk the drive for it comes from their desi8re to build sustainable business and there is a common goal to lose any stigma of poor quality as a nation. Great to see. Again, thanks for sharing Dirk
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