Here’s an unfortunate truth: The story of the Covid-19 pandemic is one of epic quality failures in almost every area imaginable. Although there have been some admirable successes, such as the food and beverage organizations that have ensured the continued safe delivery of food supplies to most regions, failures both large and small have caused an untold amount of damage to the infrastructure of society and business. Arguably, these quality failures have worsened the impact of the pandemic, including economic devastation and even a higher death toll.
Here are just a few of the quality failures that will become prominent themes in the Covid-19 narrative.
Armchair Darts
Please, remain in that comfy armchair as you throw darts by the handful. Most people who have worked outside of academia, media. government or the ivory towers of the top of the business food chains know: 1) JIT only works for the gorilla in the room rather than all those who feed him, 2) don't try to redefine Risk Management as risk elimination....QMS, even 16949, encourage risk MANAGEMENT.....as long as the gorilla is protected and the supplier survives enough to keep feeding him, 3) like making mistakes, the only way to ELIMINATE all risk is to do absolutely nothing, 3) when 'stuff' happens, and it does, a good organization works harder to adjust.....FMEAs don't cover everything, nor should they, and don't ensure a silky smooth ride 4) a successful QMS applies to, and is driven by, the registered organization and its personnel.......to expect or even suggest that the world or a country or a state could or should react as a well-trained and disciplined organization is, well, keep smoking that stuff. You did hit close to home on bad data. A virtual panacea and playground for the 'players' of the world, there are so many facets to the misuse/abuse of data and the accompanying fallacious statistics that it would fill several books that probably wouldn't sell 10 copies. In the end, success will come down to incentives, either positive or negative. In hindsight, the only view from an armchair, you see the better performance where the incentives are aligned with the required results......and vice versa. What have YOU done to improve the world?
Qyailty is not a reporter
Totally agree with E Hahn.
What this guy wrote, came out of the left field. There was no quality issue here and he blamed ''Lean''. He had no idea what lean is and what it can do.
Blame supply chain ...etc.
This was an unexpected world wide event and the country from the East bought out all the masks and PPE in USA and Europe.
The mass and and news media grabed the little nees blew it up to global disasater.
How many people die because of flu every year?
How many deaths due to flu each year.
To answer your question:
And this article on "excess deaths"
Hope this helps
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