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Claes Nylander
Leak testing is an essential element in product quality testing for a wide range of industries. From the automotive industry to heating, ventilation and air conditioning manufacturing, countless products and parts have to be tested for tightness in order to meet specifications and be granted the…
Rick Hudgell
As industry standards increase, so too does the demand for flexibility in specialized gaging procedures. Because there’s no room for error, choosing the right contact point or styli is paramount in conforming to the organization’s high quality standards. Accuracy can be jeopardized by any number of…
Many customers come to Hobson & Motzer seeking a solution for what others have claimed is impossible. Established in 1912 and based in Durham, Connecticut, Hobson & Motzer engineers manufacturing processes and designs tooling to produce seemingly impossible parts for companies worldwide.…
Quality Digest
Shortwave infrared (SWIR) imaging is quietly earning a growing place in industrial machine vision for quality inspection. SWIR imagers, sometimes also referred to as NIR imagers, can see objects and events that vision and thermal cameras cannot. Moreover, they’re’ smaller and lighter than all…
Test and measurement equipment (T&ME) must be periodically calibrated to ensure it’s operating within its specified parameters. Of course, the uncertainty of the system used to calibrate the equipment shouldn’t add appreciable error to this process.Test and measurement equipment (T&ME) must…
Gary Card
How many dimensional data points are enough to accurately describe a part feature? The key to answering this question is understanding the stability of the manufacturing process. In general, components should be measured only as often as required to ensure the stability of manufacturing processes.…
Gary Card
Coordinate measuring machines gather data by means of a probe or sensor. Conventional CMMs equipped with touch-trigger probes can use a stitch-scanning method to record point streams from part surfaces. In stitch scanning, the CMM lifts the probe head from the surface of the part, moves it slightly…