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MIT News
Materials that are firmly bonded together with epoxy and other tough adhesives are ubiquitous in modern life—from crowns on teeth to modern composites used in construction. Yet it has proved remarkably difficult to study how these bonds fracture and fail, and how to make them more resistant to…
Matthew E. May
A new strategy requires that some conclusions be made about the old one. The old strategy must be reframed as a choice between at least two mutually exclusive choices, from which some initial possibilities can be considered through focused, facilitated brainstorming.
(Side rant to all the…
Gerry Sandusky
Standing on the football field in the fall of 2011, hours before a Baltimore Ravens game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, I reached out to shake the hand of former NBC Sports president Dick Ebersol and introduced myself. “Nice to meet you,” I said. “I’m Gerry Sandusky.”
He snatched his hand back…
Carly Barry
Via Christi Health, the largest provider of healthcare in Kansas, operates a Center for Clinical Excellence that’s made up of a team of quality practitioners; all have had lean and Six Sigma training. I recently had the opportunity to talk with the team about the types of projects they’re working…
Arun Hariharan
Here is the story of two companies from the same industry. Let’s call them Company A and Company B. Both have a similar history, started in business at around the same time, are among the big players in the industry, and operate in the same markets. They even have approximately the same number of…
Dan Miklovic
The Internet of things (IoT), is dominating the media these days. Some say IoT itself is probably a misnomer. For instance, futurist and inventor Ray Kurzweil says it really ought to be called the “Internet of everything” (IoE). Whenever we hear IoT, the first thing many start talking about is M2M…
The QA Pharm
After nearly 20 years helping the biopharmaceutical industry to regulatory enforcement by implementing an operational and sustainable quality management system, I have come to the conclusion—at the most fundamental level—that there are three quintessential elements required for success. I call…
Mark Murphy
There’s no better litmus test of job ad effectiveness than asking: “How many other companies are saying the identical thing our company is saying?”
In a recent search of a major job board for programmer jobs, nearly every single job ad said it had “dedicated passionate co-workers,” “tremendous…
Patrick Runkel
If you teach statistics or quality statistics, you’re probably already familiar with the cuckoo egg data set.
The common cuckoo has decided that raising baby chicks is a stressful, thankless job. It has better things to do than fill the screeching, gaping maws of cuckoo chicks, day in and day out…
Stacey Jarrett Wagner
‘There is most likely some interplay between the weak capital spending numbers and the weak job market of the last few years; there is less incentive to spend money on productivity-enhancing equipment when labor is cheap.” This recent musing by Neil Irwin of The New York Times was his reflection…
Mark R. Hamel
I am halfway through reading what I consider (thus far) an important lean book. Alan Robinson and Dean Schroeder’s The Idea-Driven Organization: Unlocking the Power in Bottom-Up Ideas (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2014) is a thoughtful, practical book on the topic of employee engagement and daily…
To support the fair sale of gaseous hydrogen as a vehicle fuel, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a prototype field test standard to test the accuracy of hydrogen fuel dispensers. Once the standard is field tested, it will serve as a model for…
Annette Franz
After my recent column, “19 Signs Customers Are Just Not That Into You,” which sounded an awful lot like the romantic comedy, He’s Just Not That Into You, I was inspired to write this piece by the title of another rom-com, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
When we engage with customers (or when they…
Davis Balestracci
In my last column, I showed how hidden special causes can sometimes create the appearance of common cause, but the purpose of common-cause strategies is to deal with this and smoke them out. When there's an underlying structure to how these data were collected, or when one can somehow code each…
William A. Levinson
Quality Digest’s readers are quite familiar with the deficiencies of the U.S. airline industry, whether through articles in the media, personal experience, or both. Relatively minor issues involve inefficient boarding processes, fees for the first piece of checked luggage, and uncomfortable…
Gary Phillips
For decades now, the measurement systems analysis (MSA) approach has been the predominant method for evaluating measurement systems capability. Although this method is widely considered to be an acceptable and comprehensive approach throughout most of the world, a growing number of specialized…
K. R. Karu
Just as technology has changed the way people do business, quality systems are transforming the way manufacturers manage the assurance of the quality of their products, as well as compliance with regulatory requirements. Companies rely more and more on automated quality systems instead of manually…
MIT News
Diode lasers—used in laser pointers, barcode scanners, DVD players, and other low-power applications—are perhaps the most efficient, compact, and low-cost lasers available. Attempts have been made over the years to amplify the brightness of these valuable lasers for industrial applications, such…
Jim Benson
At some point, maybe at many points, it strikes me that we are all role models. We all influence each other. We are a network of emotions and actions.
When we do something, positive or negative. Kind, indifferent, or cruel. Self-centered or altruistic. Other people notice. Other people react.…
Russ King
The FDA recently released a new draft guidance document for medical device data systems (MDDS). The FDA defines MDDS as “hardware or software products that transfer, store, convert formats and display medical device data. An MDDS does not modify data, and it does not control the functions or…
Jack Dunigan
Yesterday someone posted a provocative question that showed up on my Facebook timeline. They asked, “If you don’t know your purpose, are you still looking for it?” Surprisingly, many of the comments indicated the commenters didn’t know their purpose, or that their sense of purpose was continually…
Umberto Tunesi
In Italy there’s growing tension among low-income retirees about their pensions. Among the EU countries, Italy has one of the highest percent of unemployed population and is ranked as one of the least productive countries.
So the question is: Who will pay the pensions of the retired people?
Michael Rapaport
If you are familiar with the technical concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), you already understand the impact this technological sea change will have on manufacturing. However, plenty of hype still surrounds the spread of IoT in manufacturing from a worldwide perspective, so here are the key…
Rob Fenn
Arecent client satisfaction survey conducted by our company, the British Assessment Bureau (BAB), a UK-based certification body, highlighted the benefits of achieving certification to ISO 9001. Here is a summary of the results.
As our client base has increased over the years, we have moved the…
Matthew E. May
‘If I had the key members of your executive suite all in the same room, would they all be able to articulate the essence of your business strategy clearly and consistently?” I asked the executive vice president of strategy.
“Probably not,” she replied. “But I do know we need a new one, because…