Digital Engineer: An Indispensable Role on the Job Site
Global trends and data-driven development in different industries dictate the need for permanent change and finding ways to be more effective for stakeholders and project participants.
Global trends and data-driven development in different industries dictate the need for permanent change and finding ways to be more effective for stakeholders and project participants.
The next frontier for industrial digitization and automation is the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine vision.
Welcome to a sneak peek at the 2024 edition of Engineering Reality, a magazine published by Hexagon’s Manufacturi
As a manufacturer, you understand that supply chain disruptions happen all the time. What you don’t know is when or how they will affect your operation and business.
An intricate, honeycomb-like structure of struts and beams could withstand a supersonic impact better than a solid slab of the same material. What’s more, the specific structure matters, with some being more resilient to impacts than others.
In the ever-evolving life-sciences industry, market share is fiercely contested and companies must continuously optimize their operations to maintain their competitive edge.
Ask anyone higher up in manufacturing today—like Brian Coglianese, the quality manager and management representative of Helander Metal Spinning Co.—and they’ll tell you a similar stor
In research, sometimes the bumpy path proves to be the best one.
Technology has reshaped the healthcare industry, empowering clinicians, technicians, and executives to better serve patients and achieve their goals. However, technology doesn’t eliminate the need for human oversight and management.
Just two months after its launch in late 2022, ChatGPT reached 100 million monthly active users.
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