Lean Six Sigma has arrived on a few campuses. Will more follow?
Translating between corporate-world efficiency and the methodical madness of creative professionals
Pride and rose-colored glasses goeth before destruction
The must-have new year’s resolution for businesses
New process is qualitative rather than quantitative
Stop fighting the auditors and get back to basics
Many SMMs have begun implementing smart manufacturing without realizing it
Here’s a sample of some of the stories our readers found most interesting in 2019
Having ‘chosen by not choosing,’ many business leaders are unaware of an imbalance
Improvements in your program can pay big dividends
These businesses play a big role in U.S. industry but are underrepresented in U.S. manufacturing
Organizations can persuade employees to post more company-related content willingly
Complete all 11 quizzes, and you will have satisfied the requirement in 21CFR211.25(a) for continuing CGMP training
Building a culture of information flow
Digital play can enhance certain types of learning, but how to harness that potential for the classroom?
Institutionalize, automate, and implement Quality 4.0
What to do after the (inevitable) fall
The best know how to balance passion with patience and conviction with calmness
In a way, the work really starts after implementation is complete
What drives consumer behavior within virtual communities?