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Quality Digest
(WCBF: Las Vegas) -- WCBF will host the Seventh Annual Six Sigma and Process Improvement in Healthcare Summit in Las Vegas, April 1–4, 2008. The focus will be on lean, Six Sigma, and other process improvement methodologies within the health care system. The summit will feature nine presummit…
Quality Digest
(U.S. Senate: Washington, D.C.) -- The cost of poor quality in health care accounts for from 30 to 60 cents of every health care dollar. Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.) and John Ensign (R-Nev.) along with a bipartisan group of legislators have introduced a bill that would expedite the adoption of…
Quality Digest
(USGBC: Washington, D.C.) -- The U.S. Green Building Council and the Green Guide for Health Care have agreed to help green the health care industry by fostering best practices and ensuring that the health care industry has the tools and resources to build green. Green hospital buildings are…
The cost of poor quality in health care ranges from 30 to 60 cents of every health care dollar. Until recently, however, there have been few financial consequences for health care providers’ failure to address the underlying root causes. This article describes Medicare’s new policy of not…
Quality Digest
(Mercy Health System: Janesville, Wisconsin) -- Mercy Health System, a recipient of the 2007 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, is recognized for organizational excellence across its entire vertically integrated organization spanning three hospitals, 285 employed physicians and their…
William Tandler
Back in the 1940, when Stanley Parker, Mr. GD&T, decided it was time to create a set of tolerancing tools that realistically dealt with reality, two objectives were near the top of his list.
The first was to find a way to encode the fact that as bores get larger they may become ever more offset…
Fred Mason
Happy New Year! One resolution many people have made is to cut costs. One way to do that is to manufacture in China. Just transfer your current manufacturing processes, use China’s lower-cost labor, and increase profits. It’s not that easy. If you rush into it you may find costs actually go…
Quality Digest
The four images (taken with scanning laser confocal microscopy) show variations in surface roughness of an aluminum alloy as produced by increasing amounts of strain: A – 1 percent, B – 4 percent, C – 8 percent and D – 12 percent. Mark Stoudt, Joseph Hubbard and Stanley…
Anne Willimann
The Airbus A380 is the most modern, spacious, and capable civilian aircraft ever. The project was launched in December 2000, christened “The Flagship of the 21st Century,” and developed in close cooperation with air carriers, airports, and air traffic authorities.
The A380 incorporates the most…
Quality Digest
(ASTM International: West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania) -- Manual 56, Guide to Friction, Wear and Erosion Testing is now available from ASTM International. The manual, authored by Kenneth G. Budinski, is a resource for newcomers to tribology, which is the science and technology of interacting…
Quality Digest
Metryx Ltd., a supplier of mass metrology equipment to the semiconductor manufacturing industry, has announced that it has entered into a joint development program with Interuniversity MicroElectronics Center (IMEC ) of Belgium, a leading research institute. The program is designed to evaluate…
Quality Digest
(ANSI: New York) -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently issued an updated list of consensus standards for use in evaluating medical devices before they are approved by the agency for market entry. The Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997 authorized the FDA to…
Quality Digest
(Standards Council of Canada: Ottawa) -- The Standards Council of Canada has announced that Jacques Régis has began his three-year term as president of the International Electrotechnical Commission. Régis, who becomes IEC’s 32nd president and the first-ever Canadian elected to lead the…
Denise Robitaille
There’s a great scene in The Agony and the Ecstasy where Pope Julius, played by Rex Harrison, reacts to the paint dribbles from Michelangelo’s perpetual work on the Sistine Chapel. He’s processing out of the chapel after Mass and Charlton Heston, in his role as the great artist, has unceremoniously…
Quality Digest
(ANSI: New York) -- The Japanese Industrial Standards Committee recently submitted a proposal to the International Organization for Standardization for a new field of technical activity on industrial furnaces and associated thermal processing equipment.This type of thermal equipment is used…
Quality Digest
(NQI: Toronto) -- Canada’s National Quality Institute will present “Improving Your Business Through Benchmarking Best Practices” on April 23–24, 2008 in Toronto.Participants in this workshop you may expect learn how to plan and conduct benchmarking as a strategic and operational tool to…
Richard Lepsinger
Companies frequently develop vision and mission statements about being No. 1 in their industry, the great service they provide to customers, and their rewarding work environment. More often than not, these statements are so far from reality that they become joke fodder for customers and…
Quality Digest
(ISO: Geneva) -- A suite of new ISO standards offers practical tools to address the challenge of effectively managing water resources so as to provide access to safe drinking water and sanitation for the world’s population. ISO recently published three standards providing guidelines for…
Bill Kalmar
In the last couple of months, two topics have become particularly vexing to me. First, how can we be environmentally responsible by purchasing E85 fuel when there are few service stations that provide this new elixir? Second—even more difficult to comprehend—why do companies eliminate products and…
Allen Huffman
With all the emphasis today on quality, and studies showing that quality is very important to the leaders of American business, why are so many organizations struggling to achieve and sustain quality systems? The answer is that managers have been inundated for 20 years with a parade of quality…
Quality Digest
(PowerSteering: Cambridge, Massachussetts).--PowerSteering, the only on-demand, enterprise project portfolio management (PPM) software used to manage information technology, Six Sigma, product development, and other enterprise initiatives, recently announced that its 2007 sales increased by 58…
Quality Digest
(CSPI: Washington) -- On several Web sites, the Sara Lee Corp. muses about how consumers are likely to mistakenly believe that many “whole grain” breads are actually more like whole wheat bread than white bread, and chides its competitors for not being “100-percent whole-grain.” Sara Lee helps…
Quality Digest
(NIST: Gaithersburg, Maryland) -- A team of computer scientists and mathematicians from the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Texas, Arlington, is developing an open-source tool that catches programming errors by using an emerging approach called “combinatorial…
Quality Digest
(Best Practices: Chapel Hill, North Carolina) -- Many companies believe that they deliver superior customer experience, but far fewer customers agree with this assessment. Because the many elements that add up to the customer experience can have such a profound effect on business performance and…
Bill Kalmar
Now that I have your attention, let me explain. This year I will enter a very special age group, namely, those people eligible for Medicare. The magical age of 65 provides one with certain mystical rights—Medicare benefits, of course, which means we’ll be swimming in extra disposable income. Yeah…