There are many endangered industries today, and publishing is certainly among them. In 2009 we didn’t know if we would survive the monumental changes that had torn through all areas of the publishing world.
W. Edwards Deming once said to me during an interview, “Pray that your competitors are good. They’ll make you even better.”
To Google, Facebook, and the internet in general, you made us even better. Stronger. And now we use you to accomplish our goals for the benefit of our readers and supporters.
When advertising revenue dried up in what felt like an overnight genocide of the publishing industry—due primarily to “pay per click” ads—we thought we were doomed. That now feels like the distant past as we look into an enthusiastic future. A future that we built, lacking funds, with nothing more than the creativity and commitment of our team.
Congratulations on your anniversary
I remember Scott as well, and I am looking forward to seeing his article.
What a milestone; congratulations on 40 years. You have MicroRidge beat by 2 years! :)
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