Losing credibility one business card at a time
How addressing customer concerns benefits the entire quality process
A way to visualize and help prioritize risks, actions
Augmenting and empowering life-science professionals
100% real, 100% anonymized, 100% scary
The customer isn’t always right
Consulting the FDA’s Case for Quality program
Focus on solving defined problems and increase your chances of market adoption
First large-scale study of a ChatGPT-like assistant finds it can help employees and customers
Understanding the value of quality
Of bread, lawn mowers, and cheap customers
Four data layers that matter
When you need to get from Point B to Point A
Ensure your contract is fair in both directions
Independent repair shops are fighting for access to vehicles’ increasingly sophisticated data
Aligning timing, leadership, and strategy is complicated
Delivering quality to the health industry
Globalization is an unstoppable trend, so why not take advantage of it?
Amid rising prices, medical device supply chains need greater scrutiny and standardization
How to give yourself a little more space when things happen