Mon, 07/08/2019 - 12:03
During the past three months James Beagle and I presented columns that made extensive use of analysis of means techniques. Since these techniques may be new to some, this column explains when to use each technique and where to find tables of the…
Mon, 06/10/2019 - 12:03
In Parts One and Two we defined the equivalence of instruments in terms of bias and measurement error based on studies using a single standard. Here we look at comparing instruments for differences in bias or differences in measurement error while…
Mon, 05/06/2019 - 12:03
Last month we provided an operational definition of when measurement systems are equivalent in terms of bias. Here we will look at comparing the within-instrument measurement error between two or more systems.
Once again we must emphasize that it…
Mon, 04/08/2019 - 12:03
As soon as we have two or more instruments for measuring the same property the question of equivalence raises its head. This paper provides an operational definition of when two or more instruments are equivalent in practice.
Churchill Eisenhart,…
Mon, 03/04/2019 - 12:03
Managers the world over want to know if things are “in control.” This usually is taken to mean that the process is producing 100-percent conforming product, and to this end an emphasis is placed upon having a good capability or performance index.…
Wed, 02/06/2019 - 12:03
With the click of your mouse you can turn a list of values into a bubble plot. No thought or effort is required. Simply sit back and let the software gods do the heavy lifting of transforming your list of numbers into a fancy graph. What could…
Wed, 01/09/2019 - 12:03
Story update 1/15/2019: Thanks to the sharp eye of Dr. Stan Alekman, who spotted an inconsistent value in figure 2, I discovered an error in the program used to construct the table of critical values for the prediction ratio. I have now corrected…
Mon, 12/03/2018 - 12:03
Process behavior charts are the interface between your data and your brain. But you have to begin by making a choice about which type of chart to use. You can either plot the individual values themselves, or you can organize your data into rational…
Thu, 11/08/2018 - 12:03
In Part One and Part Two of this series we discovered some caveats of data snooping. In Part Three we discovered how listening to the voice of the process differs from the model-based approach and how it also provides a way to understand when our…
Mon, 10/01/2018 - 12:03
Parts One and Two of this series illustrated four problems with using a model-building approach when data snooping. This column will present an alternative approach for data snooping that is of proven utility. This approach is completely empirical…