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Ask any metrologist, and you’ll likely get quite a diatribe about the challenge of making a good measurement of humidity. There are, however, some specific steps or best practices you can follow that will help improve your measurement of humidity through better accuracy, better repeatability,…
(ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board: Milwaukee) -- The ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board has acquired Forensic Quality Services Inc. (FQS), expanding the company’s range of conformity assessment services to include accreditation of forensic testing agencies.
FQS has provided ISO/IEC 17025…
( Columbus, OH) --, a global provider of online lean Six Sigma training and blended learning support technologies, announces the availability of St. Sigma, the new online teaching simulation for the classroom. St. Sigma is a customizable, data-rich learning lab where…
(Steinbichler: Plymouth, MI) -- Steinbichler, a global supplier of optical measuring and sensor technology, has introduced the COMET L3D 5M, with five-megapixel sensor. The compact and efficient model opens up a new dimension of efficient 3-D data acquisition with its innovative LED lighting…
The 2011 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award winners were announced last week, and for the first time, three recipients are in the health care category.
The recipients of the 2011 Baldrige Award are:
• Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis (nonprofit)
• Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (…
In a world of endless information sharing, consumers have become the product. Platforms such as Google, Facebook, Foursquare, and Twitter are the new factory floor, and online users who leave digital crumbs as they browse the web and tap into social networks generate data that can be bought and…
In production plants across the globe, lean manufacturing techniques are being used to meet increasing demands placed on manufacturers. Originally developed as a methodology to make production processes highly efficient, lean techniques have been adopted by more than 72 percent of machine shops…
(SCC: Houston) -- The Supply Chain Council (SCC), a global nonprofit management association, will hold two of its annual events simultaneously, enabling attendees to benefit from additional informative seminars while reducing travel costs. By combining the SCC Global User Meeting with Supply…
(ASQ: Milwaukee) -- The Baldrige Foundation remains committed to supporting the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program in 2012, despite the elimination of federal funding for the program.
Last week, Congress passed and President Obama signed an appropriations bill that eliminates all federal…
(FDAnews: Falls Church, VA) -- It’s your job to know the FDA’s medical device regulations inside out. But device regulations can be a moving target. Here’s a resource that can help keep them in your sights.
In its first revision in three years, the 2011 Guide to Medical Device Regulations is…
Led by a group at the University of Maryland (UMd), a multi-institution team of researchers has combined modern materials research and an age-old metallurgy technique to produce an alloy that could be the basis for a new class of sensors and micromechanical devices controlled by magnetism.…
(Kistler: Novi, MI) -- Kistler, a global supplier of precision sensors, systems, and instrumentation for the dynamic measurement of pressure, force, torque and acceleration, has introduced the Type 2869B0 Entry Level CoMo Injection, a four-channel, process-monitoring data acquisition system…
(Delcam: Birmingham UK) -- Delcam has launched a dedicated website for its manufacturing services subsidiary, Delcam Professional Services Ltd. This is the latest stage in the current expansion underway for its process development and prototype manufacturing activities.
The primary focus of…
(Mitutoyo: Aurora, IL) -- The new series of Rockwell hardness testing machines—HR-200/300/400/500—from Mitutoyo America Corp., provider of measurement and inspection solutions, offer enhanced performance with improved frames, better ergonomics, and many other productivity boosting features. And…
(TraceGains: Westminster, CO) -- Reducing supply-chain disruptions through better supplier collaboration and sharing of information helps both sides lower costs and raise quality. With advanced monitoring of their suppliers and their ingredient supply chain, food processors and manufacturers are…
This time of year, many of us are thinking about decorating for the holidays. Decorations lift our spirits and put us in the holiday mood. This holiday season, don't forget to decorate your name as well, with a professional certification. By adding a dash of "PMP" or a sprinkle of "CAPM" to the…
(NSF: Ann Arbor, MI) -- NSF International, a global public health and environmental organization, has published the first American national standard for commercial and residential on-site water reuse treatment systems: NSF/ANSI 350—“Onsite residential and commercial reuse treatment systems.” The…
The teaching of lean concepts is typically tuned to continuous processes: Day in, day out, value flows continuously from suppliers until the final product reaches the customer. The concepts of lead time (the time it takes individual “flow-units” to travel through a process), Takt time (the…
(Basler: Ahrensburg, Germany) -- Basler, a vision technology company, has been spearheading the development of a new standard—USB3 Vision—for industrial cameras, software, and accessories since September 2011. Introduction of the standard is planned for 2012. Upon completion of the USB3 Vision…
It’s no secret that manufacturing processes have become more complex. Manufacturers have tried hard to infuse innovation into their products, usually as new features, technologies, or attributes. However, coming up with innovative product features is not enough to create a competitive…
(CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL) -- According to a report by the Institute of Medicine, up to 98,000 deaths per year occur in U.S. hospitals as a result of adverse events. In other words, errors in hospitals cause more annual deaths than car accidents, breast cancer, or AIDS. With the health care…
(ASD: Boulder, CO) -- ASD Inc., a global leader in high-performance analytical instrumentation and materials analysis solutions, has released the FieldSpec 4 line of portable, full-range spectroradiometers. The FieldSpec 4 line is designed for faster, more precise spectral data collection.…
(Tetra 4D: Seattle, WA) -- Tetra 4D, the exclusive provider of 3-D PDF technology for Adobe Acrobat X Pro, has released 3D PDF Converter v. 3.3, the 3-D solution authorized by Adobe to run as an Acrobat plug-in.
3D PDF Converter enables powerful 3-D interaction and collaboration features in…
(Wiley: Hoboken, NJ) -- Firms are like living organisms. They’re born, they grow, and then they struggle to survive. In fact, the whole life cycle of most firms is not very long. The average life expectancy of a firm is roughly 15 years, and only one out of 20 lives longer than 50 years. The…
(Leica: Norcross, GA) -- Leica Geosystems’ Cyclone v. 7.3.2 fully supports the ASTM E57 standard for 3-D imaging data exchange, which includes 3-D laser scanning systems. This capability facilitates direct import and export of laser scan “as-built” data and related digital imagery from…