Even if you don’t get certified, you will still gain from a well-implemented management system
The more scientific your preparations are, the more artful your actions can be during an emergency
While this worldwide, unintended experiment continues we won’t immediately know if we have passed the peak
A guide to steering companies effectively through the crisis and beyond
We need to reduce Covid-19’s basic reproduction number to less than 1 to break, rather than flatten, the curve
Six golden rules to effectively balance the two
While Covid-19 may be a health crisis and shock to the system, it’s driving the rapid adoption of digital technologies
Quality and safety may occupy two different departments, but the reality is that safety is an aspect of quality
Don’t suboptimize this valuable tool
Countries and businesses must fight as one to prevail over the pandemic
Time for some open conversations and a wider range of options
Changing the approach to making drugs, creating global governance, and building local capacities will be key
How to create a continuous improvement culture in any organization
It doesn’t have to be this way
Webinars and digital solutions let you safely reach your clients. We can help.
As humans, we’re not great at articulating the very rules we use to make everyday decisions
Crisis management plans protect companies
Once you know where your priorities lie, planning will be more accurate
Randomized controlled trials help firms find out what’s going wrong (and right) in their organizations